Revolutionizing the Lift Industry: JAL Consulting Join Forces in Five Key Countries for Manufacturing Company

January 2017 marks the initiation of a transformative collaboration between JAL Consulting and KLEEMANN, a leading manufacturer of residential and commercial lifts. This strategic partnership is set to amplify revenue growth and bolster market expansion in five key countries: Turkey, Germany, Russia, the UK, and China.

KLEEMANN, known for its high-quality, tailor-made lift solutions, has already established a strong presence in these markets. However, with JAL Consulting as a trusted ally, the company aims to push the boundaries of success even further, expanding its market share and driving innovation.

In Turkey, Germany, Russia, the UK, and China, KLEEMANN’s localized approach to providing reliable certified lift products and services has garnered positive reception among customers. With JAL Consulting’s partnership, the company is well-positioned to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities presented by each of these dynamic markets.

The alliance between JAL Consulting and KLEEMANN promises to drive positive change and elevate the lift industry in these five countries. As they embark on this ambitious journey together, they envisage strengthening customer satisfaction, optimizing operational efficiencies, and expanding their global footprint.